Friday, 13 April 2012

Fundraising update and nicknames

Well, thanks to some immense generosity, we are as of Friday 13th April just a couple of pounds short of fifteen hundred raised online, with another two hundred and thirty offline so far. Thank you all very much for your donations, I think we might meet our targets. Of course, I haven’t worked where I do for this long without learning a few things. If it looks like we’re going to meet them, I’ll move them…

Tonight, the Stumblers are off for a ‘night walk’. I’ve planned the route well away from cliffs and rivers for my own safety. I don’t doubt our navigational abilities, but if I tell any jokes I think the others will throw me off/in (delete as necessary). Especially since, by a process of elimination, you’ll be able to work out which nickname Ive assigned to which team member…

And there’s been some very helpful advice in here too, which I feel should be responded to:

Mo, Caroline: There will be pictures, and soon…

Mark: One out of four of us is a fine bunch of men? Well, that must be Grumbler, ‘cos he’s the only one heavy enough for more than one person, but it’s a bit harsh on Whippet, Fall-Guy and Depth Gauge, isn’t it?

Matthew: Depth Gauge needs help. Period.

Katri: Actually, it really is 100km, we just quoted it in miles for the old people and Americans ☺

Uzair, Simon: There is no such thing as “too many pubs”

James, Richard: We’ll sign you up for next year!

Laura: You fell off your chair? We have to carry the Fall-Guy round in one!

Alvin: I’m certain all four of us will sprint across the finish line. Honest.

Sonya, Greg, Melwyn, Rana, Yogesh, Julian: He’s called Whippet now!

Helle: Lost? Us? Tsk!

And finally, “Big” John Bennett, what can I say, practical as ever, and always willing to share your experiences. Thanks for keeping the Vaseline one to yourself!