Friday, 9 November 2012

Walking Back to Happiness

Well, Grumbler's Stumblers have signed up for Trailtrekker 2013, which will set off on 1 June, and the very same team members will be back together for the challenge. We have unfinished business.

I'd like to think that this "original line-up" has something to do with my having marched boldly into the office and announced "We're putting the band back together..." but I fear that my total lack of an unfashionable black suit, hat and RayBans at the time might have meant that the comic effect was lost.  Anyway, since we never technically "split up" and none of us had been to prison in the intervening time, it isn't quite the same. Nevertheless, Grumbler, Whippet, Fall-guy and Depth-guage are together again and determined that this time we'll get to the end.

This time, we will have our own "support crew" to follow us around the checkpoints dispensing fresh socks, sandwiches and sweeties, hot soup and quite likely cold comfort from the back of a borrowed, rented or possibly stolen 4x4. In fact, if I do find the pikeys that made off with a few gallons of Mrs Grumbler's diesel and a portion of electric fence equipment, I might return the favour by half-inching their wheels for the duration.  Mrs Grumber, by the way, along with Mrs Depth-guage may well be present in said support crew, if we are very lucky...

I'm kind of hoping that we make a similar pace to our pals Sarah and the "Drug Squad", it'll be nice for the others to have some company that isn't likely to contrive the worlds cheesiest jokes all the way round the 100km course.  That's two and a half marathons, non stop, in thirty hours or less.

We're not too likely to beat Phyl's Little Soldiers because they are aiming to complete the whole thing in twenty-five minutes or some equally minuscule time, but I've laid down the gauntlet by threatening to beat them to the pub on the Sunday night.  I reckon they'll probably let me too, on the basis that I'll end up getting the round in. Interestingly, according to my sainted mother, there is a precedent here. Apparently, back in the days before the Beatles split up I was well known in school sports days for coming last in the running race, but beating the rest of the kids to the sweetie tin which headmistress Mrs Westbury would be guarding some way past the finish line.

We will, of course, be fundraising for Oxfam.  The sponsorship page isn't up and running yet - might be a little while before we get that sorted, but hey, it gives you time to save up.

Wish us well, in training and for the event itself. Be with us in spirit, and that way you'll help us make it all the way round.  We'll share the training and event stories with you here, like we did last year, only better.

Seven and three quarter months and counting...